22 September 2023 - Job Training Begins at the URZ "Diverse and Exciting": Two New Trainees
Dimitri Eckert and Tyler Koller, prospective IT specialists for system integration, are enthusiastic about their new professional lives. On September 1st, both began their training as IT specialists in the field of system integration at the URZ. Over the next three years, they will have countless opportunities to learn about university IT as well as get hands-on experience.
The University Computer Center provides IT services for nearly 30,000 students and about 15,000 employees and covers a wide range of tasks as part of its training program. The diversity of content grants trainees access to a wide range of different fields and technologies that not every company can offer. In addition to customer support in our IT Service and working in server rooms, trainees also become acquainted with specialized applications for research and teaching, the high-performance computing cluster, and the field of IT security.
"At the URZ, our young team members have the opportunity during their training to find the exact subject areas that best suit them," says training manager Dr. Carina Ortseifen, highlighting one of the advantages of working at a central organization. "We extend a hearty welcome to our new team members and hope they will have a great start with us at the Computing Centre."
Join our team! Apply now for 2024 trainee positions
Every year, the University Computing Centre offers two IT specialist training positions. The training period begins on 01 September and lasts three years. If you are interested, you can apply for a 2024 trainee position from now until 10 November 2023.
IT an der Universität ist genau ihr Ding: Dimitri Eckert und Tyler Koller stellen sich vor

I've grown up around computers and started building my own computers as a hobby at an early age. I have always wanted to work in the field of IT, and I have already been able to gain professional experience, e.g., by managing servers in a movie theater. The interaction of hardware and software is of particular interest to me, and at the URZ, I now have the chance to become acquainted with a variety of information technologies. Training at the URZ definitely won't be boring and provides a lot of variety. I appreciate all the opportunities that are available to me here. I also want to do something that adds value to society - so the university is the right place for me.
Dimitri Ecker (left)
I have always known that I wanted to do something with computer science - it's just my thing. In the past, I enjoyed playing around with my game console and later with my PC, adding new parts and finally building my own PC completely from scratch. The reason I applied to the URZ was because I was looking for a stable job for my future career - and I'm confident that I'll find it here because the services for the large number of employees and students are constantly evolving and will always be needed. I'm especially looking forward to my time working in IT security, which is the field that interests me the most at the moment. Apart from that, I like working with cars and will hopefully be driving one of my own soon.
Tyler Koller (right)
Additional qualification in IT energy efficiency
In the second year of training, trainees participate in additional training to qualify as Rhein-Neckar Energy Scouts. In a dedicated project, they will identify hidden opportunities for greater energy efficiency in IT infrastructure and develop energy-saving measures, which can quite often be implemented to the benefit of the entire organization.