13. September 2023 - Service Announcement Expiration of the Adobe VIP framework agreement on 12.09.2023 - Back up your Adobe Cloud data ASAP
The Adobe VIP contract expired on 12.09.2023. Affected Adobe users now have three weeks (until 04.10.23) to back up any data they may have stored in the Adobe Cloud. After that, their account and the data in it or linked to it will be irretrievably deleted by Adobe. Due to the lack of technical possibilities on the part of Adobe and for data protection reasons, we (the URZ team) can neither view the data nor migrate it to your new account nor back it up.
If you need assistance in backing up your data, please contact your IT representative or the IT Service. If the affected users wish to continue using Adobe software, they can apply for a new Adobe account and a new license via the URZ as part of the ETLA contract.
Please also note the email sent by the URZ to all affected Adobe users.
Your IT Service