16 November 2022 – Software and Applications New Framework Contract for Adobe Software

For many German universities, the framework contract with Adobe expired in 2022. Therefore, a new agreement for the purchase of rental licenses (Adobe Enterprise Term License Agreement, or ETLA) has been established with Adobe. The period of the new contract begins on 23 November 2022 and ends on 22 November 2025.

At Heidelberg University, Adobe products can now be obtained as personal rental licenses via the URZ by filling out a request form. The licenses are valid for three years. In order to work with the software, each user will now receive their own Adobe ID. You will be billed annually by the URZ for the cost of the license.

You can choose one of the following licenses:

  • Adobe Creative Cloud All Apps (incl. Adobe Acrobat Professional)
  • Adobe Acrobat Professional DC

You can find the exact costs in the linked order form.

A person working with a graphics tablet on a laptop. Around the laptop are color charts, felt-tip pens and sketches.

For more information about the available Adobe products and how to order them, see our Service Catalogue.

Already using Adobe and want to extend your license?

The current licensing period for Adobe ETLA rental licenses ends on 22 November 2022. All users of this former ETLA license must fill out a new order form and request a new license.

Please note: VIP licenses that were ordered this past autumn are still valid for the agreed contract year until autumn 2023, but they will not be able to be extended under any circumstances. Adobe Stock users have the option to use Adobe Stock with the Adobe Creative Cloud All Apps Pro license.


Looking for alternatives?

Adobe software meets the highest professional demands and has been the standard in the creative field for decades. However, for many applications, there are now excellent alternatives available, often at a significantly lower price point:

Affinity Suite: The Affinity products from the developer Serif have established themselves as professional competitors to Adobe in recent years. Their current offerings are Affinity Photo (as an alternative to Photoshop), Affinity Designer (as an alternative to Illustrator), and Affinity Publisher (as an alternative to InDesign). Affinity software products can be purchased directly from the developer as either a device or user license with a one-time payment. This means that after purchase, they can be used indefinitely (not a subscription model).

Open source products: In many cases, free open source products can also provide viable alternatives. For instance, the following tools are available:

  • Alternatives to Photoshop: GIMP, Krita
  • Alternatives to Illustrator: Inkscape
  • Alternatives to InDesign: Scribus
  • Alternatives to Premiere Pro: Kdenlive, Shotcut, Openshot
  • Alternatives to Lightroom: RawTherapee, Darktable

PDF-XChange Pro: The PDF-XChange Pro software package allows PDF files to be created, edited and converted in a variety of ways. A campus license is available for this software, and it can be used by all employees free of charge. For centrally managed Windows machines (via MECM), you can easily install PDF-XChange Pro from the Software Center.

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