20 June 2023 - Printing Scan to heiBOX: New function for employees
From May 15, employees will be able to use the Scan2heiBOX service on their facilities' multifunctional devices (administration and floor printers).
In addition to the Scan to E-mail function, it is now possible to have scans stored directly in the heiBOX as a PDF or image file. After log-in on the device the new scan functions can simply be selected on the display. To access the scanned documents in the heiBOX, users can log in to the heiBOX with the Uni ID used for scanning. After each scan, a file named “Scan2heiBOX_Uni-ID_Date” is stored in the heiBOX overview "My Libraries".

Scan without diversions & save email storage space
The practical aspect to this addition: the diversion via the email inbox, where the scan uses up valuable storage space, is avoided, and the files are stored directly in your library, from where you can simply move, share or otherwise save or manage the files.
- Scan2heiBOX at a glance:
- ownership of the library is transferred to the heiBOX account after all scans have been successfully uploaded
- choice between PDF format or image file (JPEG or similar)
- A separate library is created for each scan
- Good traceability as files are created according to the following scheme: Scan2heiBOX_Uni-ID_Year_Month_Day_Hour-Minute
- Users can manage their scan data independently (store, delete, move, rename, share, etc.)
- High security & privacy: Even if the heiBOX account or Ricoh server is compromised, archived scans in heiBOX cannot be accessed
You don't use heiBOX yet? Simply register with your Uni-ID and get started
Do not miss out on 30 GB of free storage space for employees and doctoral students. The heiBOX service is a secure sync-and-share service for all staff, lecturers, doctoral candidates and students, as well as external users (via guest accounts by invitation), which can be used free of charge and is hosted locally in the heiCLOUD by the Computing centre. The core functions are saving, synchronising, sharing, publishing and jointly editing files.