7 February 2025 - service announcement Network: Router updates
Router updates on several Friday afternoons, local network outages possible
The network infrastructure group will be carrying out updates/upgrades to our routers in the near future, some of which will cause longer downtimes (quarter of an hour to an hour). We want to complete this work on
- Friday, 14.02.2025 from 3 pm to 6 pm
- Friday, 21.02.2025 from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
- Friday, 28.02.2025 from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
(further days as required),
for the following router campus areas:
CW7 Friday 14.02.
- cr-nf226 Physics brace
- cr-nf325 Theoretikum1
- cr-nf368 Theoretikum2
CW8 Friday 21.02.
- cr-psi Psychology/Plöck/Akademiestr. area
- cr-stall Marstallhof area
- cr-unipla Area Universitätsplatz
- cr-kapla Karlsplatz/Theology area
CW9 Friday 28.02.
- cr-phil12 Area Philosophenweg
- cr-gero Bergheim area
- cr-lsw Area ZAH Observatory
Individual dates separately:
- cr-ub University Library/Triplex area
- cr-ma Area Medicine Mannheim
- cr-nf267 Bioquant area
- cr-nf293 Area Nördliches Neuenheimer Feld
If you have an important event on one of the above dates, please let your IT or network officer know and they will inform us if necessary.
Further details, especially postponements, will be added on this page
Already done for this round:
- cr-ari area ZAH Mönchhofstr.