Project PePP

Partnership for innovative e-exams. Project network of Baden-Württemberg universities (PePP) 

The nine Baden-Württemberg state universities have joined forces in the project PePP with the aim of systematically exploring the previously underutilized potential of online examinations for students and teachers and making the existing experience more widely available. In real-world laboratories, technical and didactic innovations are (further) developed before being rolled out at several universities, tested under various technical, infrastructural and organizational conditions and further developed and scaled on a quality-oriented basis. The aim is to strengthen competence orientation, increase mobility and flexibility and make examinations more learner-centered.

Logo des PePP Projektes

Since October 2023, the Managing Director of the University Computing Centre, Prof. Dr. Vincent Heuveline, has taken over the project management for the Heidelberg location. Heidelberg is predominantly engaged in two areas of work with a Moodle expert and a legal expert.

Reallabor 3 - Implementation exercises in examination infrastructure (RL3)

The universities of Heidelberg, Hohenheim, Mannheim, Constance and Ulm are investigating the extent to which flexible examination scenarios with students' own devices (BYOD - Bring your own device) can be implemented in lecture halls on campus. 

The Heidelberg location is investigating how post-pandemic testing can be consolidated with practical forms of examination. It focuses in particular on equal opportunities and accessibility, which must be taken into account when implementing new scenarios.

Cross-sectional cluster law & acceptance - Clarification of legal issues & sustainable competence development (QRA2)

E-exams give rise to numerous questions relating to university and examination law issues as well as data protection and personal rights. There is also an urgent need to clarify procedural issues, e.g., specifications regarding authentication, documentation and archiving procedures as well as exam inspections. This is the objective of the QRA2 work package, in which handouts and FAQs on these issues are being developed.

Status and Duration

The current period of this project is from 1 August 2021 to 31 July 2024.

Project Partners

The network partners are the nine state universities; overall coordination is based at the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg. Support is provided by the Baden-Württemberg University Network for the Digitization of Teaching (HND-BW) and the Baden-Württemberg Centre for Teaching and Learning (HDZ).


The project, »Partnership for innovative online exams. Project network of Baden-Württemberg universities (PePP)« is funded by the Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre (Foundation for Innovation in Higher Education Teaching). 

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