Project heiMAP
Virtual map table for collaborative research with maps and geodata
The goal of this project was the creation of a virtual map table for collaborative research on primarily historical maps and geodata (WebGIS). This virtual map table was integrated into a web portal with modular tools and services for project, quality and data management. This digital working environment and the ability to work on historical maps in situ offer solutions to a number of pressing problems facing contemporary spatial research in the humanities:
- orientation in pre-modern spaces through the development of historical maps
- active and source-oriented research on maps as opposed to with maps
- collaborative work online rather than on desktop applications with very high access barriers
- accessibility through concentration on core functions and target-group-oriented documentation
- integration with services at the University Library
- rights management and evidence of provenance
- standard conformity of the compiled geodata through assisted data modeling
- long-term storage
- propagation and re-importation of datasets under new queries.
Status and duration
The project ran from April 2016 to December 2018 and is therefore complete.
Project partners
- Research groups from the Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context“
- Institute of Frankish-Palatine History and Regional Studies
- Chair of Geoinformatics
- University course “Interdisziplinärer Arbeitskreis Historical GIS - the HGIS-Club”
- Heidelberg University Library
- University Computing Centre (URZ) (Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Vincent Heuveline)
- The State Archives of Baden-Württemberg (External partner)
This project was funded by the Ministry for Sciences, Research and Arts of Baden-Württemberg (MWK) (Förderprogramm E-Science - Virtuelle Forschungsumgebungen).