Service Omero

Open Microscopy Environment (OMERO) for microscope data

With the web-based, Open Microscopy Environment software OMERO, you can manage your images in a secure, central repository. The data can be viewed, organized, analyzed and shared from anywhere. The software is ideal for processing microscopy data in the life sciences.

An overview of key features:

  • Using the web application
  • Access on desktop application (Windows, Mac, Linux)
  • Using an API for linking individual clients
  • Support for over 150 image file formats (including the most common microscope formats)
  • Implementation on a high-performance infrastructure with scalable resources
  • Broadband access to the research data on the SDS@hd storage service

The service is based on the Open Source software OMERO and is hosted at the University Computing Centre. All data will remain on university servers. This service is operated and managed by the Research Data Unit, a joint institution run by the University Library and University Computing Centre which provides centralized services for archiving and publishing research data.

Target Group

  • Researchers
  • Students
  • University employees


  • Display, manage and analyze/process image data, especially microscope image data from the life sciences
  • Digital image data management for individual users and teams
  • Support for laboratory management, e.g., through the structuring of image data and the collection of standardized metadata
  • Simplification of sharing and publishing image data

Access and Requirements

The OMERO service for Heidelberg University is currently in its closed beta phase. Those with a Uni ID can request access for their working group by sending an email to OMERO support.

Please note: The closed beta phase can only be used for testing purposes. All data may be irretrievably deleted. Further information on the gradual introduction of the service can be found in the linked information text.

Training & How-tos

Research Data Unit (RDU)

The Research Data Unit (RDU) offers training, consulting and support for OMERO. The RDU is a joint service institution of the URZ and the University Library.

All How-tos
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