Service SDS@hd – Scientific Data Storage
State service for storing scientific data

SDS @ hd is a central service for securely storing scientific data (Scientific Data Storage). The service is provided as a state service to researchers of higher education institutions of Baden-Württemberg. It is intended to be used for data that is frequently accessed ('hot data').
Target group
- Researchers
- The service enables you to securely store scientific data that is frequently accessed ('hot data').
Access and requirements
Due to the federated identity management system bwIDM implemented in Baden Württemberg, researchers at state higher education institutions can use this service with their institutional accounts. At Heidelberg University, this is your Uni ID.
Storage resources are managed in terms of "Speichervorhaben“ (SV) (data storage projects), which can be requested for projects or working groups, for example. Each SV will be assigned a dedicated storage area that can be accessed by all users who belong to the SV.
Registration steps according to usage scenarios
Collaborate with an existing Speichervorhaben (SV):
- You can gain access to an existing Speichervorhaben by using the linked application SDS @ hd-Management. You can receive the necessary access data directly from the person responsible for the SV. Organizational and technical changes for the SV can also be made with this application, such as group and role management.
- Lastly, registration for the service and setting of a service password is completed on the bwServices page .
Register a new Speichervorhaben (SV):
- Requesting a new SV requires the entitlement 'sds-hd-sv, which authorizes you to register your own SV. You may need to request this entitlement from your home institution first. Employees of Heidelberg University receive this entitlement automatically.
- Now you can request a Speichervorhaben (SV) by using the linked application SDS @ hd-Management. Organizational and technical changes for the SV can also be made with this application, such as group and role management.
- In the final step, the registration and setting of a service password is completed on the bwServices page.
- A contract is then drafted and sent to the applicant. Only after this contract has been signed and submitted will the new SV be created. The applicant will be informed once the SV has been created.
Technical information
The data will be stored on the LSDF storage system, the Large Scale Data Facility. The LSDF system is funded by the Ministry for Sciences, Research and Arts of Baden-Württemberg (MWK) and the German Research Foundation (DFG). It is part of Baden Württemberg's implementation concept bwDATA for data intensive services at higher education institutions in the state of Baden Württemberg.
There are charges associated with using this service. More detailed information about the cost model can be found on SDS @ hd-Management.
Frequently Asked Questions
Which bwIDM entitlements are required to access SDS@hd?
| A bwIDM Entitlement is used for the SDS@hd service. The criteria for awarding the entitlement to a user are entirely up to the respective home organization. SV Entitlement 'sds-hd-sv': Recommendation: The SV entitlement should be assigned to state users who may require their own storage projects. |
How should the use of the service SDS@hd be documented in publications? | The use of the service SDS@hd is accompanied by the obligation to adequately document its use. Therefore, all publications that were created with the involvement of the storage service SDS@hd should include the following statement: The authors gratefully acknowledge the data storage service SDS@hd supported by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg (MWK) and the German Research Foundation (DFG) through grant INST 35/1503-1 FUGG. In regard to reporting, please include all SDS@hd related research projects and corresponding publications (see related note in SDS@hd-management.) In addition, please send references to theses, publications, scientific posters and information on third-party funded projects for which the service was used to |
How can I stay informed about the latest news regarding the storage service SDS@hd? | In addition to referring to the information found on this page, you can subscribe to the CF-DIC email list and participate in the Data-Intensive Computing (DIC) community forum. News and other announcements about the SDS@hd storage service and other DIC services are communicated through these channels. All users registered to the SDS@hd service are also kept informed of the latest news through the automated user list SDS-HD-USER. |
Can the service SDS@hd be used as an archive or backup for my data? | No. The LSDF system and the service SDS@hd is solely for the storage of scientific data that is frequently accessed, in other words, data that is still being handled or analyzed ("hot data"). If you require archiving or backup services, please contact the IT Service. |
How do I access my stored data? | At this time, access takes place using the protocols SMB (from Version 2.x), NFSv4 as well as SSHFS/SFTP. More detailed information about access can be found on the SDS@hd Management Tool under "My SVs". |