How-to Set up a central multifunction printer on Windows
The following describes how to set up and use a centrally located multifunction printer on Windows.
This how-to applies to all devices acquired through the 2021 framework contract. For devices with Inepro software from the previous framework contract, please use the linked instructions.
Printer setup
1. Click the Start button (1) or press the Windows key.
2. Enter the following address (The search field (2) appears after entering the first character.):
3. Confirm with the enter key or click on “Run command” (3).

4. In the window that opens, you can add the desired printer by double-clicking its icon:
- Select SecurePrint (1) if your computer is part of the Active Directory Domain - this is generally the case if you need to log in to Windows with your Uni ID.
- Select SecurePrint_nichtAD (2) if your computer is not part of the Active Directory Domain.
Windows will install the printer driver following the double-click.
The installation is now complete. You should be able to select and use the printer through your software's print dialog boxes as usual.
Note for SecurePrint_nichtAD: The first time you use the printer (for example, when printing from an Office application), you may be asked for your username (Uni ID or project number) and the corresponding password.

Print jobs
All print jobs sent through the SecurePrint printer are sent to the central print server at the URZ and can then be printed at any multifunction device on campus that you can access.
To do this, you must log in to the chosen device with your Uni ID (or project number). Alternatively, you can use a University-issued card (e.g. your CampusCard or Service Card) to log in. The card must first be set up using the administration printers - see the linked how-to for details.
After logging in, select “Secure Print” from the menu to view and print your jobs sent to the print server.