26 June 2023 – Service Announcement Mobile printing: MyPrint replaces EveryonePrint, changeover from 24.08.2023

At many locations on the University campus, public multifunction Ricoh devices are available for printing, copying and scanning. The public copying and printing system has an integrated printing solution that enables mobile printing. From 24 August 2023 to 28 August 2023, Ricoh will replace the previous EveryonePrint service for mobile printing with myPrint.uni-heidelberg.de on all public devices. During this time, there may be interruptions to the service and the deletion of print jobs that have already been sent. On 29 August 2023, the service will be fully available again within the new environment.

The relevant links and instructions will be updated in the Service Catalogue after successful implementation of MyPrint.

 We appreciate your understanding.