01 March 2024 - Software and Support New License Consultation Hours
The Computing Centre's licensing team is expanding its consultation offerings and will be offering digital consultation hours every Wednesday starting from 27 March 2024. Employees can easily contact us on a video call and clarify any questions they may have about software and licenses.

More support for your individual needs
This new service is perfect if you have general questions about using our software offerings or if you have a specific request regarding scientific software. This service will be open to students at the start of the summer semester. You can also use the license consultation hours on heiCONF if you have problems logging in with your existing licenses. This means that the licensing team can provide individual answers to your questions, address your concerns or provide you with quick and uncomplicated support during the registration process.
Personal consultations on software and licenses
The licensing team is available for personal consultations in the heiCONF room “Lizenzsprechstunde” from 27 March 2024 on
- Wednesdays from 14:00-16:00.
Simply click on the link to be directed to the consultation hours.
You will first be put into the waiting room. As soon as one of our team is free, you will be admitted to a room and can start your consultation. The consultations take place via the University’s own, data-protection-compliant video conferencing service heiCONF.
This new service offers employees the possibility to receive more personalized assistance in a digital format. You will of course continue to be able to contact IT Service via the usual channels on the subject of licenses by creating a ticket via the linked contact form or by email at it-service@uni-heidelberg.de.
Take advantage of our new service and drop by our license consultation hours - we look forward to hearing from you!