Service announcement - 02 October 2024 Software IBM SPSS Statistics: Delivery delay for new licenses

Dear Sir or Madam

Due to a change of supplier and delivery problems on the part of IBM, we are currently unable to provide the new license keys for SPSS (term 2024 - 2025). We are in close contact with the supplier and are endeavoring to speed up delivery.

Thanks to the grace period, you can continue to use the software as usual. IBM has assured us that the software will work flawlessly until October 31, 2024.

The only restriction is that you will receive a warning in the software that your license is expiring or has expired. As soon as the new licenses are available, we will announce this in the URZ service catalog entry and provide the updated application forms. Thank you for your understanding.

If you have any questions, please contact the IT service.

Further information can be found in the linked service catalogue.