Service Area Core Technologies & Collaboration Services
The service area Core Technologies & Collaboration Services (CTCS) operates the central IT services of Heidelberg University.
These include email, telephony, groupware, institute storage, backups, identity management, printing services and directory services. The service area also manages and supervises the URZ server rooms.

- Operation and expansion of the university's technical infrastructure and its centralized and decentralized data centres
- Operation of the central virtual server infrastructure for core services
- Operation of the university's email and groupware services
- Operation of the university's telecommunication networks, as well as a range of digital communication services and platforms
- Identity and access management, (digital) facility management
- Providing the university with printing systems (via third party suppliers)
- Poster and 3D printing services
Service Area Manager
Thorsten Adelmann
Telephone: +49 6221 54-20100