Information WWWMail: Service no longer available
The deprecated webmailer WWWMail, a version of the open source webclient software Horde, unfortunately had to be switched off and can no longer be activated due to technical issues.
WWWMail / Horde was a browser-based email client that allowed you to manage your mails on an email server. The underlying email servers are fully functional, only the WWWMail web interface is affected by the deactivation.
Email accounts still available
So the good news is: Your email account and the emails stored there are still accessible and secure. You just cannot access them via WWWMail anymore. Please use the following alternative access methods:
- If you used to log in to WWWMail with your Uni-ID (e.g. xy123) or a project number (which means that your account is located on the server Use the new Standard Email Account (SOGo). Additionally, you can set up your Standard Email Account (SOGo) in an email client such as Thunderbird or Outlook. You can find the respective how-tos at the buttom of the Standard Email Account (SOGo) service page.
- If you used to log in to WWWMail with an institute email address (firstname.surname[@] (and your account is thus located on the Instmail server): You can access your email by setting up your account in an email client such as, for example, Windows Mail or Apple Mail.
Please refer to the following manuals to set up your email account in:
Unfortunately this shutdown also affects the web access WWWMail for your alumni email address HAImail (firstname.surname[@] In order to access HAImail, we recommend to integrate your alumni e-mail address in an existing e-mail program on your device (computer, laptop, tablet, mobile). You can find more information on this topic via the link on the margin.
Adress books most likely not recoverable
Address books, unlike emails, are always stored in an email client itself and not on a central email server. Therefore, unfortunately, we currently have to assume that the address books of WWWMail / Horde are no longer recoverable.
We apologize for the inconvenience.