Service Grid Certificate

Certificate for grid projects like DEISA and LCG

University employees who are involved in grid projects such as DEISA and LCG and require a certificate for the project can obtain one from the Computing Centre. The certificates are provided by DFN-Verein, and the URZ serves as the local contact and registration point for the certificate issue process.

Target group

  • Employees that work with grid projects
  • IT representatives


University employees

  • Secure networking and collaboration in international grid computing projects

Access and requirements

  1. Access the DFN Grid-CA web form, generate a key pair and print the application provided through the web page.
  2. Take the application and a valid photo ID to the local registration office at the Computing Centre's IT Service Point. There, information will be verified: the fingerprint representing the public key and the details on your photo ID with the details on the application. If everything is found to be in order, the certificate will be issued by the DFN-CA.
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