Storage Archiving and Backup: The differences

An overview of different types of data storage

The terms “backup” and “archiving” are often used synonymously. However, they refer to different types of data storage with very different objectives. Here is a brief overview of the main differences.


  • Storage of current data you need for day to day work (e.g. backup of a hard drive with an operating system) which can be quickly restored if necessary ("hot data").
  • Data is stored incrementally, which means only changes in the individual files are transferred to the system. This saves space and resources.
  • Data is stored in versions, making very fast restoration possible.
  • For this, the URZ offers the Client backup (backup for workplace computers) and Server backup services.


  • Long-term storage of data (such as from administration and research) which remains unchanged ("cold data") for a long period of time (years to decades).
  • Data is stored as a complete, revision-proof package.
  • Data is kept unchanged and generally not stored in more than one version, so restoration takes some time.
  • For this, the URZ offers the Archive - your data preserved! (archiving of generic data) and heiARCHIVE (long-term preservation of research data) service.