Service Voicemail

Central answering machine functionalities for the University

The voicemail server provides central answering machine capabilities for telecommunications at Heidelberg University.

The University voicemail server provides a personal virtual answering machine for all employee phone lines. It also offers group functions for teams or redirection functions for executive lines (i.e. redirect calls to an assistant, only receive calls forwarded by the assistant). The voice recordings for callers can be changed depending on the time of day, and messages left by callers can be forwarded by email.

To use this service, you need to request a license from your telephone representative and pay a one-time fee.                        


Target Group

  • University employees



  • With this service you can easily adjust time-controlled voice recordings according to your working hours.
  • Thanks to a centralized connection, it is possible to send notifications or voice messages by mail.

Access and Requirements


How-to Voicemail

Instruction manual: Voicemail (PDF) (DE)

Quick Guide Call Forwarding

Quick Guide Call Forwarding (PDF) (DE)

All How-tos

Additional information

Digital telephone book

A targeted search for individuals or connection numbers at the University

Central phone numbers

Emergency as well as central phone numbers and dialing codes for the University

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