How-To Use KeePassXC password manager

This guide describes how you can manage your passwords with the KeePassXC password manager.

KeePass with master password

1. Install the correct version of the KeePassXC software for your operating system.

If the error “VCRUNTIME140_X.dll” does not exist during installation under Windows occurs, you can install the corresponding requirement by clicking on the link "Requires MSVC Redistributable" under the download button on the KeePassXC download page and installing the software (Visual Studio Code) linked there.

Creating a new database

2. Open KeePass.

3. Click on "Database" in the bar at the top and then "New database...".

Klicken Sie auf „Datenbank“ und dann „Neue Datenbank“

4. Give your database a name and a description (optional) and click on "Continue".

Datenbank benennen und auf „Weiter“ klicken

5. Accept the default settings or select your desired settings and click on "Continue".

Einstellungen eingeben und bestätigen.

6. Enter your desired password in both fields and click on "Done". Make sure you have a secure password that you can remember.

Passwort setzen und bestätigen.

7. Save the file in a secure folder.

Datei speichern.

Opening a database

8. Select "Database" in the bar at the top and then "Open database".

Datenbank öffnen.

9. Enter your password and click on "Unlock".

Passwort eingeben und Datenbank öffnen.

Adding an entry to the database


10. Click on "Entries" in the bar at the top and then on "New entry".

Unter „Eintrag“ „Neuer Eintrag“ auswählen.

11. Enter the following details:

  • Title: Enter a unique title here, preferably the exact title of the application/website.
  • User name: enter your correct username.
  • Password: enter the corresponding password.
  • URL: if it is a website, enter the exact web address here.
  • Notes (optional): here you can add notes for yourself.

12. Click on „Ok“.

Felder ausfüllen.

Using saved passwords


13. Find the corresponding entry in the database.

14. Copy the password by double-clicking on it.

Anmeldedaten kopieren.

15. You can now insert this when logging in to a website/app by right-clicking or using the key combination (Ctrl + V).

KeePassXC Browser Extension


You can use the KeePassXC browser extension to automatically fill in login data.

16. To do this, install the appropriate version of the extension for your browser.

17. Under "Tools", go to "Settings" and then to "Browser integration". Tick the box next to "Enable Browser Integration". Select the browser in which you have installed the extension.

Browser-Integration einstellen.

18. After you have opened your database, restart the web browser.

19. Click on the KeePassXC extension icon in the browser.

Klicken Sie im Webbrowser auf dem KeePassXC-Icon.

20. A new window opens. Click on "Connect".

Auf „Verbinden“ klicken.

21. Give the connection between this browser and the database a unique name, e.g. "firefox-desktop". Confirm with "Save and allow access".

Verbindung benennen und bestätigen.

22. If you visit a URL for which you have saved the login data in the open KeePassXC database, you may be asked to allow the KeePassXC browser extension for the website. Tick the correct entry in the list and confirm with "Allow selection".

Eintrag auswählen und erlauben.

23. The KeePassXC icon will then be displayed on the right-hand side of the website login screen. Click on it to fill in the login fields with the saved data. If you have saved several login options for the same URL, you will see a drop-down menu from which you can choose.

Auf das KeePassXC-Icon klicken.

In addition or as an alternative to a master password, you can also protect your databases in KeePassXC with a key file. You can find detailed information on this on the KeePassXC website.

You are welcome to use the URZ's secure cloud service - the heiBOX - to save or back up your database files. However, you must ensure that you do not save anything in a shared folder. You must also save your files locally in good time before you lose access to the heiBOX, e.g. because your studies or employment at the university ends.

However, we do not recommend saving key files in the heiBOX.