Support IT for Instructors

For digital exchange and knowledge transmission

The Computing Centre offers a range of IT Services to be used in hybrid or entirely digital teaching and learning formats. A majority of these services are hosted in the University server rooms and can therefore be used for teaching without hesitation, even with regard to data protection. In addition to our central learning platform, various communication tools are available for interacting with students.

If you have any questions about our digital teaching services, the IT Service is here to help - by phone, by email, by video call or in person at two IT Service Points. In participating institutions, the URZ's on-site service will also be happy to assist you directly at your workplace.

Overview of the most important services


The University's digital learning platform


The University's web conferencing system for audio and video conferences


Instant messaging service for students and University personnel


A sync-and-share service for collaboration hosted in heiCLOUD


Video streaming and video content management


Plan, conduct and analyze online surveys for administrative, study, teaching and research purposes.

Explore all services
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