Project bwOZG

Implementation of the Online Access Act (OZG) at the universities and colleges of the state of Baden-Württemberg

When the Online Access Act (Onlinezugangsgesetz, OZG) came into force in August 2017, legislators introduced digital, structured access to administrative services for citizens and companies through a portal network on the Federal Portal. Universities and colleges must primarily implement the OZG services specified for the areas of education, research and funding.

All state universities and colleges in the state of Baden-Württemberg are involved in the bwOZG project, which was established in 2022. Its goal is to advance the digitalization of administrative processes and meet legal requirements. 

The project focuses on the implementation, adaptation and impact of OZG-relevant processes within each individual university. Close cooperation within the project network accelerates the implementation of the OZG, as strategic challenges are tackled jointly in accordance with the “one-for-all” (Einer-für-Alle, EfA) principle. 

The bwOZG project is part of a series of other digitization measures, notably the requirements of the Single Digital Gateway Regulation (SDG), the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) and the European Student Card Initiative (ESCI) at the European level as well as the modernization of registers (RegMoG) and the associated Identification Number Act (IDNrG) at the national level.  

The coordinators for the OZG support the digital implementation for Heidelberg University's needs. One of their tasks is to shed light on the relevance of the OZG for the university, evaluate the digitization status of the services that need to be implemented and get in touch with various offices to further develop and optimize processes and structures.
It focuses on the digitalization of administrative services for applicants and students and consequently the expansion of campus management. This is done in close cooperation with the OZG coordinators from other state universities and colleges (bwOZG project group), the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts, the digitization officers at Heidelberg University and the relevant contact persons at Heidelberg University Computing Centre. 

Status and Duration

This project is slated to run from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2026. 

Project Partners

All higher education institutions of the state of Baden-Württemberg. 


This project is funded by the Ministry for Sciences, Research and Arts of Baden-Württemberg (MWK). 


  • OZG Project Coordination: Bastian Blakowski  
  • OZG Project Coordination: Melanie Rentsch


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