Software Mathematica
System for technical computing
Mathematica is an integrated system for developing, computing, simulating, analyzing, and documenting technical problems in a unified, platform-independent work environment using the Wolfram Language. The software includes a multitude of mathematical functions for solving tasks in engineering, finance and insurance mathematics, mathematics, statistics, physics, “chemical computing” and all natural sciences.
Target group
- University employees
- Students
According to the manufacturer, Mathematica can be used for the following tasks, including:
- Mathematical computation
- Visualization
- Number theory
- Algebraic manipulation
- Data analysis
- Graphical calculation
- Image computation
- and much more.
Access and requirements
The license agreement is valid for 3 years and ends on 31.10.2025.
- The Department of Physics and Astronomy have obtained an unlimited license. If you belong to this department, please contact your EDP representative.
- For members of other departments, please fill out the linked PDF form and send it to the URZ to order a Mathematica license. You then have to create a Wolfram ID and request a license key with the web form, also linked in this section. Please select the single-user license. Your request will be authorized once your order form is received.
The key is always valid until the end of the contract year (31.10. of every year). Thereafter, a new order form will need to be filled out.
- Students can request a key and access to the software via Wolfram. Please use your student email address for your Wolfram account (… The key is always valid for one license year: A new key needs to be requested every license year.
Please note: Procurement of the software is based on the Mathematica campus license contracted by the URZ. The software must be rented for the remainder of the contract year (cut-off date is 31.10 of every year).
Term and Cost
Student licenses are free of charge.
The cost of a single-user license for employees can be found on the order form. The term runs from the order date to the end date of the contract year (31.10. of each year). Payment is due after the invoice has been issue by the URZ.
Technical information
Mathematica is available for Windows, MacOS and Linux.