How-to Setting up a Standard Email Account (SOGo) in Thunderbird

This How-to describes how you can access your Standard Email Account (SOGo) via the email client Thunderbird.

Setting up a new email account

1. First, go to the menu in Thunderbird (via the three horizontal lines next to the search bar in the top right) and select “Settings” → "Account settings".

2. In the left bottom corner of the new window, select "Account Actions"→ "Add Mail Account".

Screenshot: AnleitungStandartEmailKonto&Instmail_Thunderbird__Schritt1

3. Please enter the following details:

  • Your name: Last name, first name
  • Email Address: Please see the “Overview: Email Server” which is mentioned above, e.g. Max.Mustermann[@]
  • Password: Your password

Then click on “Next”.

4. The client will now attempt to automatically determine the correct server settings. Please click on “Manual Configuration” to edit the server settings.

Screenshot: AnleitungStandardEmailKonto&Instmail_Thunderbird_Schritt2

5. Depending on your email account type, you will need to enter different server information. Under “Incoming Server” please enter the following details (you can find all information regarding the university email servers via the link “Overview: Email Server” which is mentioned above):

  • IMAP
  • Server Address:
  • Port: 993 (alternatively: 143)
  • Security: SSL/TLS (STARTTLS if using port 143)
  • Authentication: Usual password
  • Username incoming: Your Uni-ID or project number (e.g. xy123)

Under “Outgoing server” (SMTP) please enter the following:

  • Server Address:
  • Port: 587 *)
  • Security: STARTTLS
  • Authentication: Usual password
  • Username outgoing: Your Uni-ID or project number (e.g. xy123)

*) For mobile clients (both inside and outside the uni network) please use:

Port 587 (Connection security: STARTTLS)

Screenshot: AnleitungStandardEmailKontoThunderbird_Schritt3

6. Now click “Re-test” to check whether the manually entered server settings are correct. Finally, click on “Done” to complete the process.

Checking and editing account settings

To review or even change the settings if necessary, simply go to “Account settings” again. On the left, you will find an individual menu for your newly created email account.

  • Under “Server settings”, you can later change the server address, security type and the port (for other settings please see the “Overview: Email Server” which is mentioned above).
Screenshot: AnleitungStandardEmailKonto&Instmail_Thunderbird__Schritt4
  • You can also change the settings under “Outgoing Server (SMTP)” (see the “Overview: Email Server” which is mentioned above).
Screenshot: Anleitung:StandardEMailKonto&Instmail_Thunderbird_Schritt5

If your email account doesn't work immediately, you can change your settings here without having to set up the account again. If you aren't sure which settings are correct, simply check in the “Overview: Email Server”.